
Monday, June 18, 2012

Meal Train

If there are two things new parents need, it would be food and contact from the outside world, and our church is providing both through a program called a "Meal Train". I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. I've seen plenty of meals but not many trains, unless they mean the meals generously coming one after another are like cars on a train. In that case, I have seen and eaten a very tasty train.

Melissa and I had heard about the program on different occasions while we were at church on Sundays, but we never inquired further. We figured we didn't know people well enough to bring food to their house in their times of need, but we've come to realize it's at those times when a semi-stranger's generosity is needed and appreciated most.

We have been so blessed to already have four deliveries of food brought to our front door by members of our church who we would maybe see once a week, shake their hands, and say good morning. This program definitely creates bonds between people who would otherwise just be acquaintances. How can you not invite someone inside and get to know them better when they just brought enough delicious food for multiple meals?

As new parents, this is among the greatest ideas we've ever been blessed to be a part of, and we can't wait to participate in future Meal Trains for other members of our family at our church of worship.

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