
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3 weeks old!

Those who say children grow up in the blink of an eye don't lie!  I can't believe our boys are already 3 weeks old!  I feel like I've been in a bit of a time warp for the past month.  10 days on hospital bedrest and then two boys in NICU will do that to you, I guess.

Jacen and Spencer are kick butt kiddos and we are so incredibly proud of them!  Jacen is up to 3lbs8oz and Spencer is 3lbs9oz.  They were able to come off of their CPAPs on Saturday and are now on nasal canulas.  Both boys have taken them out a few times and their oxygen levels have remained great so it's probably just a matter of time before they're on room air only.  They seem so much happier and more comfortable since the CPAP was removed.  They're both opening their eyes a lot more and really seem to be starting to take everything in.  On Sunday they got to start wearing clothes which was very exciting.  Jacen wore a brown onsie that said "Handsome like daddy" on it and a blue crocheted hat that Andy's grandma got for them.  Spencer wore a green onsie with a few zoo animals on the front and a monkey hat.  They looked so cute!

Another huge milestone reached is that they now get to attempt non-nutritive sucking at the breast.  This means I pump immediately before holding them and they get to play around and attempt to latch.  Any milk they get would be very minuscule after pumping.  They're both doing a great job!  This is one of the many steps before they get to attempt a bottle feed and then eventually breast feeding.  It's also great for bonding and for my milk production.

For the past several days Andy and I have each been able to hold both boys every day.  I love that!  I have to admit that Daddy is so far much better at some things than I am.  Andy is great at just jumping in and trying something.  He gave Spencer a bath independently two days ago, he's figured out the wires and how best to put a onsie on, and he is able to comfort them really well.  Sitting in our little corner of NICU with me holding one boy and Andy the other, I am honestly the happiest I have ever been.  I didn't know I was capable of loving this much.  I can't wait until we all get to go home together!


  1. This post makes me teary eyed. I'm so happy for you Melissa and so glad that your boys are doing so well. I love reading updates. Stay strong!

  2. I'm so happy Jacen and Spencer are doing great! I'm so happy for you!

  3. This is such good news!! It's amazing how little they were born and yet how everything seems to be going along great. Y'all are amazing parents and this bonding time will be something you remember forever!

  4. Happy 3 weeks little ones! This is such awesome news! Keep it coming!

  5. Aww, Melissa! :*) I can imagine the pure joy that just pours out of your heart as you both hold your boys! I'm so so happy for you and glad to hear Spencer and Jacen are growing stong! You've been in my thoughts and prayers!
    THANK YOU for your sweet and wonderful words on my last post. You've been such a great support and I'm so happy we met along this journey!!!
    Much love to you all :)
