
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Protein is my archnemesis

Almost two weeks ago, at our second appointment with the MFM's nurse, I was told that two crucial items were significantly lacking in my diet:  Calcium and protein.  I knew that already so I was somewhat prepared.  Thankfully the boys are growing great!  On the 21st Righty clocked in at 1lb4oz and Lefty at 1lb7oz.  For now they're smack dab in the middle of the growth curve for a singleton, which is excellent!  Now I just have to keep them there.  Protein is essential for that.

As a twin momma I need to get between 1500-1800mg of calcium and 100-120g of protein per day.  So after our appointment I set out to monitor how much I intake with my normal diet.  I was most definitely significantly lacking in both.  Calcium is easy to supplement since you can take two Tums twice a day to get in 800mg.  That on top of the 300mg my prenatal has, and my normal diet, was more than enough calcium.

Protein is definitely something I'm still struggling with every day, although I'm significantly better.  I'm not a huge meat eater and I don't like milk by itself, two big sources of protein.  Before working on it I was probably averaging 20-30g of protein on my best days.  Yikes!  Now I can manage to get in 21-25g at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Then I snack on high protein items or make a smoothie with whey protein to help me get closer to my goal.  I'm still falling short frequently but I consider it a huge success for now!

The problem with protein is that it takes a significant quantity of food to add up to a significant amount and it's very filling.  It's difficult to eat if you're not hungry!  Add in the fact that the boys are squishing my stomach so I can't eat as much in one sitting and my digestion is slower.  I wish protein came in pill form!  Maybe that's my way to make millions?

My go to high protein foods:
Carnation instant breakfast (chocolate) mixed with one cup of regular milk = 13g
One cup of chocolate milk = 8g
One string cheese stick = 8g
Smoothie (1cup of frozen fruit, 1/2cup of orange juice, 2tbsp whey protein powder) = 15g
3 scrambled eggs = 20g
Grilled cheese = 13g
Snickers = 4g
Chips and salsa (8 tortilla chips and however much salsa) = 8g

Andy and I went to the grocery store today and every time something looked good I would check the serving size and protein amount.  Hmm, golden oreos sound good...But there is only 1g of protein for three cookies?!  Forget that!  I'm now essentially trying to make sure that every single thing I eat has protein in it and packs as much punch per serving size as possible.  Eating has become a full time job!  But I know it will all be worth it if it helps my boys pack on the pounds.

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