
Monday, March 26, 2012

A very real test run

Yesterday, Sunday, March 25th, Melissa began having contractions and went in to labor around 1 pm. We didn't think they were labor contractions because they were not painful, but they were becoming more frequent. We went to our hospital to hopefully receive a shot that would stop them, and we would be on our way within an hour or two. That was not the case.

We were informed Melissa was indeed in labor, and she was to be given very special attention in the next moments. Melissa was 3 cm dilated, and would need to be given a steroid shot to speed up development of the babies' lungs in case they were to be delivered early. Immediately, Melissa was hooked up to an IV and given Magnesium Sulfate(Mag). The mag serves as a muscle relaxer, and is used to slow down the contractions which would prevent her from dilating further. This was all done within a half hour of our arrival.

A few hours later, we were visited by a doctor from the NICU floor of the hospital where premature babies are given special treatment upon their arrival. She gave us a rundown of what would happen if our babies were born too soon. It was a tough conversation, but we listened intently. I was to be given a tour of the floor that night, but due to things getting "a little hairy" for other patients and our status improving, I have yet to receive the tour. We take this as a good sign for us.

Melissa's contractions have slowed to about 1-4 an hour. When we had first arrived they were coming as frequent as every three and a half minutes. They might not stop completely. We are currently awaiting the second and final steroid shot for the babies' lung development, and Melissa will stay on the mag for 24 hours afterwards.

It has been over 24 hours since our arrival, and I would say we are doing much better than when we got here. If things continue to improve, Melissa will stay in the hospital for another week, on bed-rest. For now, we are taking it hour by hour.


  1. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. I hope the little guys can cook a bit longer. Hang in there.

  2. Praying for you guys. Let us know if we can help in any way. Does Melissa want visitors?
    Carrie & Jason

  3. I stumbled across your blog and I have become interested in the fact that our pregnancies are very, very similar. I just want to wish you the best of luck in the coming weeks. It is not an easy journey!

  4. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. @Holymojo, we might be willing to have some visitors, today. We will keep you updated. @Kara and Mary, I read your latest blog post to Melissa, and we can see a lot of similarities. It's uplifting to see someone in a situation like ours doing so well. Melissa will try to get some info on y'all so we can stay connected. I should be making another post later today. Thanks again!
