
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ups and Downs

My newest favorite words?  "My boys".  I love saying it, I love thinking it!  I love looking at my ever growing stomach.  I love feeling the little flutters and thumps that I'm pretty sure are their movements.  I love when Andy puts his hand on my stomach, sings, or talks to our boys.  I love people's positive reactions when I tell them we're having twin boys.

What I don't love is having a fractured rib!  I've had a nagging cough since the majority of my bronchitis symptoms faded.  On Tuesday night I was laying in bed, almost asleep, when I had a small coughing fit.  I felt a pop and instantaneous excruciating pain.  Poor Andy then had a crying wife in tons of pain on his hands.  I ended up sleeping in the recliner in the office that night because laying down hurt too much.  Two years ago I fractured some ribs and tore the muscles in between them.  I know what a rib fracture feels like and my OB's nurse agrees it's likely a fracture.  Unfortunately there really isn't anything that can be done for a rib fracture except to take it easy and let it heal on it's own.  The nurse approved me using the cough syrup with codeine for a few more nights to let me get some sleep at least.  The codeine worked like a charm last night and allowed me to get a solid nights sleep.  The pain is less today but definitely still present.  From experience I know it'll feel a little better each day.

While a fractured rib may sound awful I'm really trying to look on the brightside.  I will gladly take physical pain like this over something being wrong with my boys.  If this is the worst thing I have to complain about I think we're doing pretty darn good!

1 comment:

  1. oh melissa, i'm so sorry to hear about your rib!! i hope you continue to feel better each day!
    you look great!
    makes me happy to read the first paragraph!! :)

    wishing you healing and a wonderful weekend <3
