
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kicks and Punches

I think I have officially entered into both the most awesome part of pregnancy and the beginning of the second annoying part.  Don't get me wrong, even if it sounds like I'm complaining I'm really not.  I am so beyond thrilled to have these growing boys inside of me!  I also feel very blessed that so far everything is going very smoothly with no complications.  I will happily take any annoyance if it means our boys are growing big and healthy!

Last week I began to feel what I thought was tiny little flutters of movement from Righty.  This week I felt my first movements from the outside beginning on Monday.  By Tuesday I could tell that he loves lunch time and tends to throw a party between 11:30am-12pm, right before I eat lunch.  It is the neatest thing to feel him kicking, put my hand on my belly and have him move my hand!  I could watch/feel it for hours and never be bored.  Yesterday I felt outside movements from Lefty for the first time!  I can't even begin to explain how cool it is to be able to feel them both.  I know we still have a long way to go but it certainly eases my mind every time I feel them.

The annoyances are with getting around and sleeping.  I am officially a woman who waddles when she walks and my feet have begun to swell a little if I'm on them for too long.  My hips have been hurting, especially my right one.  Throw together a funky left rib with a sore right hip, and the inability to sleep on stomach or back, and you get a crummy nights sleep!  I can usually sleep for about five hours pretty solid first thing before I have to get up for bathroom trip #1.  After that I usually am awake to roll to a different side at least once per hour with another bathroom trip or two thrown into the mix.  I'm really not sure how Andy is getting as much sleep as he is.  All work week I was counting down the days until today when I could sleep as long as I wanted.  I slept in for 30 minutes extra, that's it.  My hip/rib just couldn't take any more.  I'm thinking a nap is in order for this afternoon.

We're slowly getting together the nursery and buying essential baby items.  I bought two carseats a few weeks ago thanks to Target's fantastic baby sale.  I saved $130!  I am a thrifty momma.  Last week we ordered our cribs because I was mistakenly told it would take 8-12 weeks to get them.  We're picking them up today.  I think we will also be picking up a stroller today.  It's so exciting and scary at the same time!  But I seriously cannot pass up a good deal.  Babies R Us is doing a great trade in event where if you take in an old big ticket item they'll give you 25% off a new one.  My mom's friend gave us a car seat for free which saved us a ton on one of the cribs.  My mom also found a highchair to trade in, hence the reason I think we're getting the stroller today.  It's scary to buy so much stuff so early but I've been told by other twin Mom's to try to get as much done before 28w (six weeks away!) since that's when it'll probably get really difficult for me to do much.

Time really seems to be flying by and standing still at the same time.  I can't wait for the next two weeks to pass, I'll be so happy to reach 24w and let out a tiny bit of the breath I feel like I'm always holding!  I'm definitely hoping and praying to hold onto these two until the end of May but it's nice to know the doctors and hospitals would do all they could for them if they're born early.  I keep telling them they have to stay cooking until all of my tv shows have their finales in May!  We'll see if they're good listeners.

Tomorrow we're taking a tour of the hospital where I'll deliver and on Tuesday I start my weekly preterm labor prevention visits with the peri's nurse.  I'll be sure to update afterwards since I'm really not sure what the visits will entail.

1 comment:

  1. it sounds amazing to be able to start feeling their movements!! so happy for you and this new milestone, melissa!

    i'm so sorry to hear that you've been having trouble sleeping. i sure hope that the pain eases up on you and you can get some rest!
    it doesn't sound like you're complaining one bit!

    i'm looking forward to reading your updates!
    have a happy thursday!
    maria <3
