
Monday, February 20, 2012

Nursery Progress

Less than 24 hours until we have our growth scan and get to see our boys again!  Less than 120 hours until V day!  This is going to be a good week.

This weekend has definitely been good.  It started off with a nice, relaxing Friday night on the couch.  I always plan to sleep in on the weekends but never seem to be able to so I was up bright and early Saturday morning.  I puttered around while Andy got a little more sleep, then once he was up I started on laundry.  I'm not too worried about accidentally washing our darks with whites, but I was terrified of messing up the baby clothes!  Thank goodness Andy was there to reassure me.  It's funny how the little things bring out my anxiety right now.

That is what the room started out looking like on Saturday.  We had finally cleared out almost everything except for baby stuff.  My mom made the curtains and had put them up on Wednesday when my parents came to dinner.  They're adorable!  My mom is so incredibly talented.

I was planning to help Andy out as much as possible but we both knew it would be slow going since I'm just not as physically capable right now.  Thankfully my dad offered to come over to help us!  Have I mentioned how much I love my parents?

Andy had started installing the ceiling fan but my dad arrived in time to help him finish it.

Then they started on crib #1.  Andy had fun with the packaging.

After they finished unpacking it I fully intended to take progress photos every 30 minutes or so.  Imagine my surprise when about 15 minutes later they told me it was complete!  Apparently the cribs we chose are super easy to assemble.

I took more progress photos of crib #2.  Pixel even came to inspect their work.

Last on their list of jobs for the day, other than rearranging furniture to my specifications, was to assemble the bookshelf/changing table.

I'm so proud of them and thankful for their hard work!  It took them less than four hours to accomplish something that would have taken Andy and I all weekend to do together.

Far from finished but a heck of a lot closer!  The boys then went on a well deserved fishing trip, although unfortunately they didn't catch anything.  I spent awhile hanging up all the clothes in the closet and organizing a few items.

That night Andy and I went to Redbox and rented three movies.  I watched Breaking Dawn that night while Andy played computer games.  I know I wrote a post on my other blog about how irritating the Twilight movies are.  I still totally believe that!  But it was nice to be able to watch a total fluff of a movie I could laugh at.

Yesterday morning we went out for donuts.  Jacen and Spencer were happy with all the sugar!  Then we went to Babies R Us and bought a swing and tested out gliders.  I love the look of my leopard print rocking chair but I'm not convinced it's going to be the most comfortable thing to sit in as either of us tries to hold both babies.  I'm not sure the nursery has enough space for a glider though.  After that we went to Target and I bought an organizer to fit their bibs, hats, socks etc in.  I also picked up four Dr.Seuss books since they were on sale 2 for $10.  The rest of the day was spent laying on the couch watching movies (me) and fishing (Andy).

Today is a holiday so I'm off from work.  I plan to relax with my feet up as much as possible and enjoy feeling my boys wiggle around.  Life is good!

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