
Sunday, December 4, 2011

One + One Is More

Welcome to our blog!

For those of you that have been following me at Hoping For Baby Graham you know who I am and you know our history.  But for those of you who are new, here is a quick summary:

My name is Melissa and I have been married to Andy for a little over four years.  We have three awesome cats and two amazing pups.  We began trying for a baby over a year ago and were thrilled to find out we were expecting 12/31/10.  Unfortunately we lost that baby at 6 weeks.  We were devastated but began to try again.  When we still weren't pregnant come the end of July we began testing and started seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist.  I underwent a laproscopic surgery in early September and ended up having mild endometriosis and two cysts removed.  On 9/10/11, the estimated due date for our first pregnancy, we began fertility treatments.  I took five days of Femara and eight days of Gonal-F injections, then a trigger shot on day 14 while we were in Vegas.  On 10/6/11 we were ecstatic to find out that we were pregnant again!

We were followed closely by the RE for the next five weeks.  I initially had lab work that showed the pregnancy was progressing appropriately.  At 5 weeks and 5 days we had our first ultrasound and were shocked, overwhelmed, and amazed to find out that we were pregnant with twins!  We have since had five more ultrasounds that have shown perfect babies with perfect heartbeats.

It's scary being pregnant after a loss.  With our first pregnancy we were naively happy.  Part of me misses that naivety although part of me is thankful for the lessons I have learned and the friends I have made along the way, although never for the loss.   We are now 12w1d pregnant with our twins!  Developmentally we are in the second trimester.  I still have moments of worry and fear but they are getting to be fewer.  I love these two little ones that I am carrying more than anything else in the world!  I know that Andy feels the same.

This is going to be our blog about our experience expecting, having, and raising our twins.  Both Andy and I are going to write.  We have very unique ways of writing and I'm sure Andy will introduce himself soon.  Hopefully our blog will be an interesting presentation of the amazing adventure we're going to have!

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