
Monday, September 3, 2012

The good stuff

I'm slacking on updating so I'll do my best to catch y'all up!

The boys are thriving and growing big, strong, and healthy.  Last week, on 8/27, Jacen weighed 12lbs1oz and Spencer 11lbs11oz.  They're keeping the trend of being exactly six ounces apart.  Spencer is receiving physical therapy twice a month for what is now very minimal torticollis.  The prematurity clinic recommended he be evaluated by an occupational therapist so that will happen soon.  His reflux is under great control with Prevacid.  I love that stuff!  He hasn't projectile vomited in at least a month now.  Since he was throwing up at every single meal in the beginning that is a big deal.  Jacen is receiving physical therapy every week now as his torticollis remains more severe and is causing plagiocephally.  This means his flat spot is getting so bad it's causing his forehead to jut forward.  He is being evaluated for a helmet tomorrow.  We're hoping he won't qualify but realistically I'll be surprised if he doesn't.

Both boys are gaining strength.  Spencer is finally working on lifting his head during tummy time but remains the physically weaker one.  Jacen can keep his head up really well and enjoys practice sitting.  Neither of them have rolled yet, although I expect that to happen any day now.  All in all I am so incredibly proud of them and thankful that they are doing so well!

I'm doing well for the most part, too.  Sometimes I feel like I have some post partum depression and PTSD but most of the time I can handle things very well.  I'm working on using my feelings of sadness for the good of others.  I hope sometime soon to establish a monthly NICU family support group that extends beyond discharge from the hospital.  As I've said before, the preemie experience doesn't end at discharge.  I know having a bigger support group of people who understand would be beneficial.

Without further ado I'll leave you with what you really came here for.  Pictures of the boys!

Multitasking momma!


  1. I love that you have a picture with the familiar pink basin. We have a couple of those laying around the house!! They are usually full of bottle pieces. Your boys are getting very big!!

  2. You are supermama, Melissa!! You look great and the boys are adorable! So so happy to hear you are all doing well! Sending love!!
