
Monday, September 10, 2012

Remembering our angel

Today we should be chasing a one year old around the house.  We should be enjoying the smiles, the laughter, and the first words.  We should be having a birthday party and opening presents.  We should be letting the kid smash a cake and taking funny videos of it.  When I first found out I was pregnant on 12/31/10 I instantly had hopes and dreams for the baby I was carrying.  When we lost that baby I made a promise that I would never forget them.  I might only have carried them for a short time but they changed our lives forever.

I believe God has perfect timing and our angel is an example of that.  If we had never gotten pregnant with our angel our boys would not exist.  If our angel had stayed with us our boys would not exist.  I can't imagine life without Jacen and Spencer.  So today we remember and honor the baby we lost.  The boys are wearing the onesies I bought on 12/31/10 in remembrance of their sibling that never got to wear them.  I'm also snuggling them extra close.


  1. So sweet that the boys are wearing those onesies in honor of your lost baby. Big hugs to you! Xoxox
