
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Working mom

I have done exactly what I hate seeing in other twin blogs, I have abandoned my weekly writing.  I have been all babies all the time in every free moment I have at home which does not leave a lot of blogging time.  The transition back to work has been tough, I miss my boys so incredibly much.  There is honestly nowhere I would rather be than with them.  I have now been back at work for 14 business days, although I took yesterday off for their 4 month shots.  I think we have figured out our next new normal until the next transition happens.

Jacen and Spencer are BIG boys now!  Yesterday Jacen clocked in at 10lbs4oz and Spencer was 9lbs14oz.  They're in 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.  Both boys are smiling and cooing all the time now.  We're continuing to work with a physical therapist to improve their torticollis.  Spencer loves to snuggle and kick his legs, Jacen loves to hold his head up and look around.  Sunday will mark two months and one day since they came home from the hospital, which will be longer than they spent in the NICU.  I'm so excited for that milestone!  I am in awe of our boys every day, they're the strongest people I know!

I promise to try to write more frequently from here on out.  I don't want to miss documenting anything!


  1. I am so glad the boys are doing well and that you all are adjusting. I can't imagine how busy two babies must be. But twice the smiles right?! ;)

  2. melissa, i've been thinking about you all and had to stop by and see how you were doing. i'm so glad jacen and spencer and doing so well.
    i hope that your new schedule contines to get easier. sending lots of love your way. <3
