
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Time is flying

One year ago today we found out that we were blessed with twins.  That day is so vividly ingrained into my memory.  I was so terrified that we would be told bad news.  Instead  I still laugh remembering Andy's reaction, "Wait, there are two?".  At the time I was so overwhelmed.  I felt like I had just received a syllabus for a very tough class on the first day of school.  It seems impossible, but it's what you have to do.  Then at the end of the semester you look back and wonder what seemed so tough about it.  I won't lie, having twins is very tough.  But I can't imagine not having them.  I can't imagine Jacen without Spencer, or Spencer without Jacen.  They are such unique boys but they are definitely a pair.  A pair I feel so very blessed to have, every second of every day.

Jacen and Spencer are 6 and a half months old, 4 months adjusted now.  I can't believe how quickly time is flying!  They're growing so quickly, it's bittersweet.  They were newborns for so so long and then one day they suddenly weren't.  They're such unique, funny, quirky boys.

Jacen is our stone-faced silly boy.  He's so serious and inquisitive most of the time, but when he smiles it's a big one!  Both our boys are a funny balance of Andy and I.  Jacen has Andy's outward personality in that he's not overly excitable.   But he seems to have my love of structure and is very intent when figuring things out.  Spencer is our smiley, flirty boy.  He has  Andy's easy going personality but my quick smile.

Spencer has begun rolling from back to belly very frequently.  With this new skill it's obvious that mobility is in the not too distant future.  In preparation Andy and I are turning our third bedroom into a playroom for the boys.  I never thought I would be a playroom person, but there is just no other way to do it.  Once both boys are mobile we will need someplace to contain them.  We need to keep them safe from the dogs, and keep the dogs safe from them! So today we cleaned out the room and Andy rented a carpet cleaner.  I can't wait to set it all up.

Don't forget to vote for the boys in the Preemie Power Contest!  You can vote once a day.

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy how much can happen and change in a and andy are so blessed! I hope you're enjoying the weekend with your beautiful boys!
